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The choice made by successful applicants for the 2024 regular recruitment is... YU, too. N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2024.01.19 13:31
  • Publication Date : 2024.01.09
  • Views : 9549

1st place in Daegu and Gyeongbuk with 97.2% registration rate for successful applicants for rolling admission for 2024 school year

Intensive investments in education and researches in next-generation new growth areas by implementing large-scale national financial support projects

Perfect certification in 2023 University Institutional Evaluation Certification with “ALL PASS”

[January 09, 2024]


YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) showed the best result in Daegu-Gyeongbuk region with 97.2% (based on the closing registration rate by university) in the registration of successful applicants for 2024 rolling admissions, which ended on the 29th of last month. YU ranked first in the registration rate of successful applicants for two consecutive years since ranking first in the registration rate for 2023.

YU has been implementing large scale national support projects through local government-university cooperative regional innovation project (RIS Project), LINC3.0 Project, and software (SW) focused university projects and has been making investments focused in cultivation of excellent talents and support of researches in next-generation new growth fields and the performances are fund in various university evaluations.

In the 2023 Leiden Ranking announced last year, YU ranked 8th in the country in the overall ranking.Especially, the world-best research power in Mathematics & Computer Science was confirmed again.In addition, YU got a good evaluation result in internationally authoritative university evaluations by ranking 18th in the country in “World University Rankings 2024” reported by THE (Times Higher Education), a British global university evaluation institution, with significant global ranking rise (from 801-1,000 to 601-800).

In the 2023 University Institutional Evaluation Certification announced on the 26th of last month, all evaluation indicators were certified as ‘PASS’, proving the university’s excellence in basic educational requirements such as education, operation, and performance.In addition, YU is accelerating cultivation of talents tailored to social demands by reforming educational system for 2023 and 2024 school years.YU is carrying the largest structural reform since foundation of the university and is proactively specializing the university in order to reflect the needs of education consumers and cultivate talents who will actively lead changes in social and industrial structures.

Such efforts and achievements of YU have led to the choice by parents and applicants.YU showed the highest competition rate ever for regular recruitment for 2022 and 2023 school years and recorded a new student recruitment rate of over 99% for the past three years. In the 2023 school year entrance exam, admission scores increased in 56 out of 60 recruitment units, showing that excellent students are being admitted.In 2024 school year, for the first time in YU's rolling recruitment, the number of applicants recorded more than 25,000 and the registration of successful applicants for rolling recruitment also recorded the highest level of registration, showing that YU is clearly preferred.

President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “The competition rate has increased in 2024 rolling admissions, the largest number of students made applications in the history of YU’s rolling admissions, and the highest registration rate of successful applicants was recorded in the region in spite of decline in the school-age population and the preference for the metropolitan area. YU’s changes and innovations to cultivate talents tailored to society’s needs and raise the status of a Glocal university that is expanding around the world are gaining sympathy. YU will continue to make efforts to have differentiated educational competitiveness in the future.