The Yeungnam University Library has 22 floors, and a basement level in the main building. As an information hub library, it holds more than 1,820,000 books and provides digital services, digital journals, and an online data base with updated academic information.
The University Library is open to the public, in addition to YU students. The main library holds a huge collection of books in liberal arts study and in the social sciences.
Also, there are 3 other branches, including the Law Library, the Science Library, and the Medical Library in Daegu. The libraries will not be open on national holidays nor the University Anniversary on December 22nd.
Libraries Services
- for undergraduate students - loaning up to 10 books & returning within 14 days
- for graduate school students - loaning up to 20 books & returning within 30 days
- Materials that have been borrowed by others can be placed on hold so that when they are returned, you will be given preference in checking them out.
Purchase request
- The libraries welcome material purchase requests for items that the libraries do not hold. The online purchase service (SLIMA-ST) can be used to make such requests.
Information service
- Librarians provide reference assistance and general information concerning resources and facilities, and explain features of the library systems (SLIMA-ST) and how to search for information.
YU Central Library
Contact : +82-53-810-1675

HealthCare Service
The Health Care Center has been trying to improve the health of students and faculty members and help them lead a healthy school life. As part of this effort, we also provide dispatched doctor's care, vaccinations, in-body measurements, dental checkups, and dressing treatments. The pride of our health care center is the Health Benefits Association system, which was established in 1983. In this system, if you pay the deduction fee each semester, you can deduct up to 1 million won per semester for free medical treatment at the university healthcare center and for medical treatment covered by the national health insurance when using designated hospitals.
It is located on the 1st floor of the Student Support Center. The working hour is 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. (open from 10:00 to 17:00 during vacation)
University Healthcare Center Medical Schedule
dispatch doctor medical treatment | Refer to YU news on the YU website (announced at the end of each month) |
Dental scaling, fluoride application,dental checkup | Monday - Friday | 09:30~17:00 |
- Treatment hours are subject to change according to the circumstances of Yeungnam University Hospital
- Dental scaling, fluoride application, wound treatment, and InBody measurement are performed daily (Dental scaling is available after reservation on the website of the healthcare center, scaling and fluoride application are 10,000 won each, cash only)
- This center is not a medical institution. chronic diseases treatment, examinations, deep wounds, and tooth decay, Prescription issuance cannot do here

Computers on campus
Any Yeungnam University students are free to use the computers in the libraries, Global Lounge, each college; wireless internet is available on campus.

Post Office
For postal services, please visit the Post Office located on the 1st floor in the Amphitheater. Its business hours are from 09:00 to 17:00 during the weekdays.
Post Office
Contact : +82-53-810-3761, +82-53-811-8246
Location : Amphitheater

Shuttle Bus
The university offers a free shuttle bus services for students on campus, and between the campus and the subway station during weekdays.
on-campus shuttle buses
runs almost every 20 minutes, from 08:00 AM to 5:40 PM.
shuttle buses between the subway station (Banyawol) and the campus
runs almost every 20 minutes, from 07:00 AM to 10:30 PM.
YU IT Services
Access to YU Academic Information System

Wireless LAN Service
This service is provided for e-mail, chatting, games, stocks, and videos via wireless internet at home and the office. There are also hot spots throughout the campus.
Wireless LAN service is available everywhere on Yeungnam University campus and is free for students and faculty.