
Computer engineering is an innovative discipline that embodies the design and development of modern computing systems including hardware, software and a broad range of computer applications.

Graduates of Computer Engineering work in cutting edge industries and research centers including electronics, telecommunications, robotics, information services, finance, and so on.

The mission of the Department of Computer Engineering at Yeungnam University is to provide strong, comprehensive, state-of-the-art education to be creative and innovative computing engineers. To achieve the mission, we provide a complete curriculum containing coursework at the introductory, common cores, and advanced levels. The discipline areas include Programming Languages, Algorithms, Digital Logic, Computer Architecture and Organization, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Graphics and Visual Computing, Computer Networks, Embedded Systems, Intelligent Systems, and Information Management.

And students also have many opportunities to learn professional experience by collaborating with leading edge companies through projects or internships.


HistoryThis table demonstrates the history of this major according to years.
February 1985 Established the Department of Computer Engineering
March 1989 Established a Master degree program
March 1991 Established a Doctorate degree program
October 1999 Merged into the School of Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Information Communication from the departments of Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information communication Engineering
February 2001 Recognized as the best program in the Computer and Information Engineering fields by the Ministry of Education
October 2005 Reorganized School of Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Communication by splitting the Department of Electrical Engineering
February 2006 Recognized as the best program in the Computer Engineering and information fields by the Ministry of Education
February 2007 and 2009 The Bachelor program is accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea
March 2010 Reorganized as the Department of Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering

Job Fields

Graduates work in most cutting edge industries and research centers, including Computer Hardware and Software companies, Electronics, Telecommunications, Information and Internet Services, Network Securities, Aerospace and Defense industries, Consumer Electronics, Computer Games, Robotics, Biomedical industries, Finance and Security companies, Public Services, Educations, and so on.



Computer Engineering Major
  • 2-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    2- 1
    This course provides some foundations of the courses of Data Structure, Switching Theory and Logic Circuit, Formal Languages, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Processing which are essential in computer field, through the studies on the following topics; mathematical logic, set theory, relation, graph, function, algebraic system, Boolean algebra, and computation theory and technique of program complexity for program analysis.
    2- 1
    This subject invokes the interests of freshman engineer to engineering prior to regular engineering subjects. Creative problem solving skills are taught in the class such as brain storming, generation, analysis, practice, evaluation, and improvement of idea through minimum theory and various design projects, etc. Various projects for visual thinking and drawing, power writing skills, model bridge design, are carried out to operate, evaluate the performance of students on group base competition and thus enhances teamwork and communication skills. By taking this course, freshmen begin to have interests in engineering design and can develop creative problem solving skill, and eventually develop strong desire to continue engineering career.
    2- 1
    The digital system consists of logic circuits that process a binary information. This course provides students with digital circuit design technology using two analytic methods. The first level deals with the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits using gates and flip-flops and the second one is to design in the register transportation level using VHDL.
    2- 1
    This course makes an experiment on logic circuits such as design, implementation and analysis of the input-output signals. The experimental circuits include two level combinational logic, multilevel combinational logic, programmable logic, arithmetic circuits, and sequential logic circuits such as flip-flops, register, counter, memory, finite state machine.
    2- 1
    The Object-Oriented Languages, such as C++, Ada, and Java, become more important especially in large-scale software systems, and the knowledge in some depth of OO paradigms is prerequisite to learn such languages. The issues includes are; . the key concepts of the OO programming paradigm . the syntax of the language C++ . OO analysis, design, and test methods Practice and training are needed for studying every programming language.
    2- 1
    This course aims to learn about Git and Github, which are essential for participating in open source development or publishing/managing open source projects. In this course, the students will be able to understand open source development methods through various open source projects (Tensorflow, Linux Kernel, Elasticsearch, etc.).
    2- 2
    This course introduces the basic concepts and theories of data communications. With this background, this course details with the following topics: analog and digital communication, data coding methods, optical communication technology, wireless and mobile communication, satellite communication, demultiplexer, link control protocol, public communication technology, switching technology, LAN, and ISDN.
    2- 2
    The course of "Practice of Data Structures" tries to help students to understand the principle of data structure course with many practices. It also improves the practical skill of students by exercising many examples on how data structures and algorithms are applied to real applications. Specifically, in this course, students are required to program the basic operations of array, stack, queue, linked list. tree, and graph. Students also implement many application systems using the data structures.
    2- 2
    It tries to understand the relationship of the data which are the object of information control which is a data structure with the expression which recovers it plans the operation method against him it is the point subject public opinion one of the computer sciences for. A lot to share it arranges from the process which it sees, the stack and queue, list, tree and the graph gadfly to confront with a fan-shaped structure and a rain fan-shaped structure, it studies and it lines up, it studies the basic operation method of hashing and the search back. This process it leads and the programming language which will reach and with the ability fact it will be able to apply the data composition method of the multi branch it uses the ability it will be able to embody it cultivates
    2- 2
    Java is widely used in network programming due to its platform independence. This course covers the Java 2 standard edition (J2SE). The major topics to be dealt with are basic functions and libraries of J2SE, networking, applet, thread, media, JFC, and security.
    2- 2
    This course practices a microprocessor, especially an Arduino which uses an ATmega 328 processor. By using various sensor modules such as LCD, LED, switch, and ICs, students can improve their understanding of hardware and experiment with the operation of microprocessors.
    2- 2
    This course teaches students how to design and integrate hardware and software related with microprocessors including peripherals, so that the student will uderstand microprocessors and be able to design microprocessor-based systems. Topics such as architecture, hardware, software, and interfacing will be provided.
    2- 2
    This course covers all the major ideas of open source based Linux programming; file I/O, file systems, device I/O, terminal driver, timers, signals, processes, pipes, stream and datagram sockets, network programming, POSIX threads, and semaphores. Students will be expected to write programs that make full use of operating system services, while learning how open source based Linux, as well as UNIX, system works. As an extension of this course, system security issues are also covered such as buffer overflow, reverse engineering, shell code and so on.
  • 3-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    3- 1
    Computer graphics is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing computer fields and has now become a common element in user interfaces, data visualization, television commercials, motion pictures, and many other applications. Hardware devices and software algorithms have been developed for improving the effectiveness, realism, and speed of picture generation. The course covers fundamental algorithms for the representation and display of two-dimensional graphics objects, two- and three-dimensional geometric transformation and viewing transformation, methods for modeling and organizing picture components into separate structures, illumination models and surface-rendering methods, and animation techniques.
    3- 1
    This course focuses on describing algorithms for such advanced problems as fragmentation and combination, greedy method, dynamic programming, basic searching technique, reverse traversal, algebraic simplification and transformation, NP problems, and so on. It also analyzes the algorithms and discusses the complexity of each algorithm. Finally, to understand the applications of each algorithm, a number of exercise problems are supported.
    3- 1
    The goal of this course is to raise the ability to handle diverse network devices on TCP/IP based network environments. This course also provide a chance for getting knowledge of protocol, network devices like router and switch, and routing technologies.
    3- 1
    In this subject, students will learn basic SW design methods using open source software and carry out a project based on this.
    3- 1
    The goal of this course is to solidify and build upon a student’s knowledge of IoT and embedded system design. Specifically, the course performance outcomes are that students will: 1) Understand some preliminary knowledge for IoT and embedded system design such as experimental apparatus, some basic electronic circuits, and microprocessor, etc. 2) Recognize and identify the constraints facing IoT and embedded system designers, and determine how to assess them. Major topics to be dealt are as follows: the configuration of the IoT and embedded system environment, kernel booting, module programming, device driver, input/output device control by character device drivers, input/output device control by block device drivers, and finally team projects.
    3- 1
    This course deals with the important algorithms and theories of operating systems with the view point of the operating systems architecture. Major topics include process management, memory management, peripheral devices management, networking, and security.
    3- 2
    The course introduces the basic theory and the latest technology of the computer vision. By understanding the principles of computer vision algorithms, you can raise your problem solving skills and effective machine vision system design skills. This course deals with the understanding of digital image processing, edge feature extraction, segmentation, feature description method, and so on.
    3- 2
    In recent years, big data and artificial intelligence are two most interesting research fields in both academic and industrial research work. In particular, the technologies related to data analysis and machine learning, which are the main technologies of these two fields, are emerging as core technologies in the age of 4th industrial revolution. These technologies can solve many problems such as classification, prediction, and optimization by extracting meaningful information/knowledge from a large amount of data through the convergence combining data science, statistics, and computer engineering technologies. In this course, basic concepts, processes, and tools related to data analysis are studied, and based on this, diverse theories and practices from the fundamental concepts and principles of machine learning to the neural network learning techniques including advanced deep learning methods are studied.
    3- 2
    Nowadays, personal mobile devices like smartphone have been widely used. In this course, knowledge and techniques to develop various software applications in such mobile devices will be studied. Particularly, system design and user-centered UI implementation on Android and iOS will be practised.
    3- 2
    In this course, several students form a team, select a project topic applying AI and SW technology, and then implement it. In this course, team assignments include proposal presentation, mid-term presentation, and final presentation.
    3- 2
    This course studies educational theory of businees information,its historical background, its purpose,and analyzes recent secondary school teaching processes.
    3- 2
    This course deals with the organization, operating principles and design methodology of computer system. Detailed issues are as following: performance, instruction set, control and microprogramming, pipelining techniques, integer and floating point number arithmetic, memory subsystem, input/output subsystem, and advanced computer architectures.
    3- 2
    This course is intended for a first course in databases at the senior undergraduates ofcomputer engineering or related area. It introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems. Specifically, it stresses the fundamentals of database modeling and design, the languages and facilities provided by database management systems, and system implementation techniques. Participating students are assumed a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, operating systems, and a high-level programming language.
    3- 2
    This course introduces the fundamental issues of software engineering, such as software engineering paradigms, project management, requirement analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of software.
  • 4-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    4- 1
    This course gives students the studies on the theory fields of AI, such as search, knowledge representation, problem solving, theorem proving, and etc. which are followed by the studies on the application fields, such as expert system, planning, image and voice recognition, learning. This course can help students to construct a certain kind of AI system by making them study the important concepts, theories and application fields of AI.
    4- 1
    The goal of this course is to promote the percentage of employment through the lecture on the recent industry issues(digital home electronics, mobile technology, etc.) accompanied with the team projects.
    4- 1
    This class focuses on developing foundational skills for building the metaverse, a promising industry of the future. Students will systematically acquire knowledge ranging from the basic concepts of the metaverse, core IT technologies, to various platforms. Through hands-on programming exercises using Metaverse Engine, the class offers an integrated learning experience that combines knowledge and practice. As a result, students will develop the basic expertise required by professionals in the metaverse industry and gain practical development skills for real-world applications. Ultimately, the class aims to give students with a competitive edge in metaverse-related careers.
    4- 1
    Along with the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution and the expansion of the industry based on IoT, Students will learn IT convergence project planning through emotional based service design process and practice prototyping production pipeline through engineering programming process and UX / UI design process. Students will be able to build up a team of interdisciplinary computer science and visual communication design departments to enhance understanding of each other’s fields as they are carrying out practical projects through collaboration.
    4- 1
    Introduction to methods and techniques employed in investigation and reporting educational problems. Suggested for all candidates in education for undergraduate degrees. In addition, this course deals with methodological issues and problems in education.
    4- 1
    This course is designed to understand the knowledge of Blockchain Technology and network security. At the conclusion of this course, the audience, students will be able to: • Understand how to get the information from a computer network, a variety of network attack and defense • Explain how blockchain technology works • Integrate blockchain technology into the current business processes to make them secure
    4- 1
    The goal of this course is to have ability for implementing Web based Internet information processing system. This course includes HTML, XHTML, XML programming, Applets by Java, and creating technology for Web server.
    4- 1
    This course is on the capstone design project for information and security engineers, where the participants will propose, design, build, and test an integrated information and security system. Along with that, each participant should present the process and result of the project and make the associated documents. Two or three students are required to make a team to do the project together.
    4- 2
    In this course the student participates in a academy-industry cooperative work, or design and implement his own system for the bachelor degree. All of the student should take this course, and they prepare the thesis for bachelor degree along the guide of advisor professor.
    4- 2
    In this course, students will learn the basic syntax of Python for data analysis and engage in the process of conducting data analysis on various real-world issues related to urban regeneration, utilizing Python. This includes analyzing the current status of COVID-19 infections, subway ridership trends, and stock market prices.
    4- 2
    In this course, students will learn the concepts and principles of big data analytics, as well as the data collection, analysis, and various visualization techniques. Students will learn advanced Python programming skills for big data analytics, as well as various libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. In addition, by performing data analysis exercises and projects with Kaggle dataset, students will improve their practical skills in big data analytics.
    4- 2
    Business information is processed by the technology based on Web that has been improved to process language and knowledge. Language and knowledge processing is a core research field in next geneartion web. Students should study object-oriented language and logic programming, and web programming for preparing the next generation Web. In this lecture, the several advanced topics in language processing are focused. Empirical approach in language processing has been one of the mainstreams throughout the decade. tudents will have the introduction to the dictionaries, corpus, the concepts of knowledge engineering, languages for knowledge processing, knowledge representation, inferences by nowledge, and the applications of knowledge engineering, students are asked to develop tools to analyse natural texts and extract useful statistical relations among linguistic units.
    4- 2
    A cloud system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility. This class covers basic issues for cloud system, such as resource sharing, openness, concurrency, scalability, fault tolerance, and transparency. In addition, this class also discusses the importance of elasticity and resource management in cloud computing issues, such as virtualization, internet-scale computing, and cloud-based data storage.
    4- 2
    A sequential introduction to the fundamental issues of compiler design, such as grammars, regular languages and scanners, context-free languages and parsers, attribute grammar and semantic analysis, syntax-directed code generation and optimization, are discussed in depth.
    4- 2
    This lecture explains the database design process and how to build various database application systems. Students are required to take some fundamental database courses previously. We first review relational database design theory, and then perform some relational database design projects using MySQL. Then, after explaining the structure and usage of MongoDB, a representative NoSQL DBMS, we build a JavaScript-based web application using Node.js and Express .js. To this end, JavaScript and JavaScript-based backend techn이ogies will also be examined.
    4- 2
    The goal of this course is to raise the ability to control diverse devices using embedded systems. This course include the introduction of embedded operating systems(Linux, VxWorks, WinCE, uC/OS, etc.), the methods of embedded software development, and the methods of programming diverse device drivers such as serial communication, USB, Ethernet, LCD, and LED.
    4- 2
    The importance and economic value of Intellectual Property are increasing. The ability of practical use of intellectual property in this information age is very crucial to engineers. Understanding patents, software registration, technical know-how, trade secrets and developing IPs related with ICT technologies are trained. Based on the proposed ICT ideas from students, Searching skills for IP DB, writing out prior art research, design technological patent map are studied.
    4- 2
    This course introduces the basic techniques related to the game programming such as network, client-server structure, graphics, database, artificial intelligence and etc. This course also introduces the basic concept and major functions of game engines. Students can improve their practical skills to construct a game system through the programming experiments using several simple games.
    4- 2
    This course is on the capstone design project for information and security engineers, where the participants will propose, design, build, and test an integrated information and security system. Along with that, each participant should present the process and result of the project and make the associated documents. Each team needs to implement the proposed system and evaluate the performance.
    4- 2
    Students will explore principles and current technologies of multimedia system design and gain hands-on experience in this area. Topics include multimedia hardware and software, issues in effectively representing, processing, storing and transmitting multimedia data such as text, graphics, sound and music, image and video. Also multimedia systems design, video and audio compression algorithms and programming are covered.
    4- 2
    - Industry-academic cooperative project-based learning CPBU integrates theoretical knowledge with practical skills through collaboration with industry partners outside of academia - Students work in teams to solve real-world problems provided by industry, gaining valuable experience in problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills through the process - By closely collaborating with industry mentors, students learn about the latest technologies and trends in the field and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world problems - It bridges the gap between academic theory and practical applications, preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields. - Industry-academic cooperative project-based learning CPBU provides students with practical experience and enables them to develop important skills, preparing them for challenges and opportunities in the modern workforce, particularly in emerging technology fields
    4- 2
    In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, every industry is evolving rapidly by combining traditional technologies with cutting-edge ICT technologies. In this course, we invite various experts from industry to learn the current technical trends of the field.
    4- 2
    A web application consists of a client, a web application server, and a database. The back-end technology corresponds to the web application server and the database. In this course, we present Java-based back-end technologies for web application development. Major lectures include JSP, Servlet, Spring, and MyBatis.
    4- 1,2
    The objective of this class is to provide the students of the Department of computer engineering and technology with the opportunity of applying their knowledges to the problems in the industry. This will help the students in adjusting themselves more properly to the working environment when they are employed.
