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NEDA Western Visayas orients Yeungnam University on RDP N

  • 작성자 ynur
  • 등록일 : 2018.07.20 14:55
  • 조회수 : 506

NEDA Western Visayas orients Yeungnam University on RDP

필리핀 국가개발청 NEDA 공식홈페이지에 지난 7월 새마을국제개발학과 학생들이 필리핀 해외전공심화학습으로 NEDA에 방문한 내용이 실렸습니다. 뉴스레터 전문은 아래의 기사글 참고 바랍니다.

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The NEDA Regional Office in Western Visayas (NRO VI)  conducted  an orientation for professors and students of Yeungnam University (YU), in South Korea about the Regional Development Plan (RDP)  2017-2022 and the region’s major programs and projects on  July 9 at  Jalaur Conference Room, NRO VI Building, Iloilo City.

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A total of 25 participants from the YU Department of Saemaul Studies and International Development (DSSID), composed of five officers and 20 college students attended the orientation. The YU-DSSID team was  led by Project Team Leader Professor Lee Jeong Ju, together with Research Professor Yoo Ho Woong, Senior Researchers Dr. Lee Ho Hyun and Dr. Kim Ji In, and Coordinator Kim Minjeong.

The participants were welcomed by OIC-Assistant Regional Director (ARD)  Gilberto A. Altura, Ms. Ma. Teresa G. Guadalupe, chief of the Development Research Division (DRD), and Ms. Ma. Isabel B. Blancia, chief of the Project Development, Investment Programming and Budget Division (PDIPBD).

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In his welcome remarks, OIC-ARD Altura expressed his appreciation to YU for choosing NRO VI as one of their identified offices for their learning visit in Iloilo.  Professor Lee, on the other hand,  talked  about the Saemaul and International Development Cooperation Program of YU while Research Professor Yoo introduced  the YU-DSSID team members.

To provide  basic knowledge on regional development planning and investment programming, the NRO VI through Mr. Raimer Gel G. Caspillo of DRD,  presented an  overview  of the NEDA mandates and functions and the salient points of the Western Visayas Regional Development Plan 2017-2022. Meanwhile,  the Western Visayas 2017-2022 major programs and projects was presented by  Ms. Moonyeen E. Bolivar  of PDIPBD.

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An open forum followed the presentations moderated by Ms. August Melody Andong of DRD. Meanwhile, inquiries on  how Saemaul Undong principles can be applied in the development plan, programs and projects in the region were responded to by OIC-ARD Altura.

The orientation was part of the 2018 KOICA-Yeungnam University Program for university and graduate students aimed  to raise awareness on international development cooperation during the Saemaul and International Development Experiential Learning Visit in the Philippines.

Ms. Guadalupe, DRD division chief,  delivered  the closing remarks. In response,  YU-DSSID Student President Mr. Jeong Wonjae and Mr. Shin Yohan expressed their gratitude to NEDA for hosting the activity. As a way of saying  “thank you”,  the delegates presented their dance rendition of Tunog ng Progreso.